I’ve got heavy load on one box. What is strange it operate normally, despite this load:
load averages: 153.11, 152.41, 150.74
866 processes: 150 runnable, 712 sleeping, 4 on CPU
This ~720 processes ware snmpd in some strange loop of checking if snmpd is working.
I can’t kill it globally witk pkill , but kill -9 PID works. I don’t want to manually type 720 pids and don’t want to restart machine, so here comes unix way to kill 720 processess:
ps uax | grep snmpd | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
load averages: 0.04, 10.8, 59.5
98 processes: 95 sleeping, 3 on CPU
Back to normal state!
Mondays… ;)

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